More invited to shake off winter blues, boost health
Volunteer Helen, who is facilitating the group, went gently at first as many were new to the dancing style.
However she soon had them going through their paces to some fabulous catchy tunes like Achy Breaky Heart, Kokomo and Rivers of Babylon!
Some members of the group were Line Dancing aficionados but perhaps a little out of practice.
Helen made it easy for everyone to follow and learn the steps. However she emphasised that the main thing is for everyone to have fun together.
There was also time for a tea break and the opportunity to talk and get to know each other.
Line Dancing is a fantastic way to exercise and keep fit and healthy. Learning the new steps also helps to keep the mind active and alert.
Gillian Whalley-Okafor, Manager of Aged & Disability Services at the Centre, said: “We want everyone to remember that the group is all about enjoying yourself, keeping moving and socialising with other people. If you can master the moves it is a bonus!”
If you are interested in coming along and giving it a try, call Alison on 9750 9344. Classes are on Mondays, 2-3pm, at the Centre, 130 Railway Parade, Lakemba.