News Police

Sea of blue swells by six new officers

PROBATIONARY constables Corey MacNamara, Ryan Graham, Jennifer Stevens, Mathew Worthy, Nathan Donkin and Meleck Lababidi (pictured) have hit the beat in Bankstown.

They were part of the 200-strong ‘Class 336’ which graduated from the Police Academy last month.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said the new recruits were embarking on a challenging, yet highly rewarding career path.

“Police play such an important role within our communities and these officers have worked hard – both physically and academically – to reach this milestone,” he said.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller

“These probationary constables will be tasked with ensuring the safety and security of the people of NSW, and I am confident they will do so with integrity.”

After completing 12-months on-the-job training and passing further study, they officially graduate with an Associate Degree in Policing Practice and will be confirmed to the rank of constable.