Also great for confidence boost
Group leader Jeanie Wood can’t wait to have the old servery transformed with ample cupboard and bench space since teaching cooking is a big part of what they do.
Offering weekly classes for Joeys (five to seven years), Cubs (eight to 11 years), Scouts (11 to 15 years), Venturers (15 to 18 years) and Rovers (18 to 26 years), Jeanie said Merrylands had about 80 members.
“These days, it’s for boys and girls and thanks to all the reality shows, most of the kids are keen to cook which is wonderful since the focus, of course, is on healthy eating,” she said.

“They also learn to cook outside which is part of their bush skills development and enjoy activities like hiking, canoeing and camping.
“Their can earn badges and it’s such a great confidence builder as it teaches them that doing little things can add up to a big achievement.
“Scouting is all about self development and learning through fun as well as making friends for life.”
Jeanie said that one of the older boys put his many years of first aid training to use after a co-worker cut an artery in his arm.
“The paramedics said he definitely saved his friend’s arm, if not his life,” added Jeanie, the mother of four sons.
“I got involved because no one could tell my identical twins apart except that when they joined here, the group made a special effort to give them their own identities and I thought, these people really care; that was enough to sell me and that was over 30 years ago, I’ve been here ever since.”
For further info, call Jeanie on 9636 2731.