A film featuring the Premier Gladys Berejiklian, NSW Education Secretary Mark Scott, Deputy Secretary Murat Dizdar and actor Bryan Brown also premiered at Film By Invitation.
‘The Interview’ is a mockumentary about two leaders in the department who are determined to be part of Film By… and are initially given the low roles of Grip and Best Boy.

The two then decide to become Film By movie makers so that they can secure more prominent roles. However, after putting together a great cast including Bryan Brown and the NSW Premier, they soon realise the only positions left in their movie are Grip and Best Boy.
Film By… originated as a local school initiative in Sydney’s south in 2010 and quickly grew into 19 film festivals showcasing movies made by NSW public schools.
Film By… is about more than just making films. It’s about embedding visual literacy and film making into classroom practice to provide a unique and engaging way for students to achieve educational outcomes across a number of subject areas, including English, Personal Development, Creative Arts, and Science and Technology.

For teacher Karen Beutler, Film By is authentic purpose driven and project based learning.
“Combining digital filmmaking tasks with traditional literacy objectives provides children with a clear, purposeful end-goal to aim towards,” Karen said. “More so, it enables them to appreciate that the creative process of writing – the planning, drafting editing and revising – is integral to the quality of that end goal.”