
School helping save rare bush woodland

IN what could create a benchmark for other schools, East Hills Girls Technology High School has received funding to regenerate a small but significant remnant piece of Cumberland Plain Woodland at the front of the school in Lucas Road, Panania.

Working with science teacher Lynda Clutterbuck and the ‘green’ group at the school, Panania Free Ranger Director Jacquie Dredge helped them win a Sustainable Schools Grant valued at $15,000, to help regenerate the endangered trees.
Ms Dredge says the trees are of great value to the Canterbury Bankstown environment.
“The canopy trees are Eucalyptus beyeriana also known as Beyer’s Ironbark; this tree species is becoming increasingly rare in the region due to over-development,” she explained.
“One Turpentine tree (Syncarpia glomulifera) was noticed which may suggest an affinity with the nearby Turpentine – Ironbark Forest which is extremely rare in the LGA.
“The site has been mown for many years so most of the original shrub layer is now absent except for one Parramatta Wattle (Acacia parramattensis), which has managed to survive mowing.
“The area has recently had the mowing stopped and the recent heavy rain has already allowed regeneration of a diverse range of ground layer species. Some weed species are present, but with some hand weeding, the area has huge potential for restoration.”