At Regents Park Public School, it is a celebration of student empowerment as staff encourage students to build on the necessary skills they need to express their opinions during their own educational journey and as engaged global citizens.
As learners, students are supported in developing critical and creative thinking as they imagine possibilities, consider alternatives and create innovative solutions.
Education Week is a statewide, annual event to celebrate NSW public education, which will be held August 5-19.
The week communicates the achievements of public schools, their students and the value of public education.
This year’s event provides a wonderful opportunity for Regents Park Public School to celebrate the dynamic and innovative teaching programs that are providing students with real world problem solving opportunities, integrated Information and Computer Technology and inclusive classroom environments that fully support collaborative student learning.
“With Education Week a week away, the learning community at Regents Park Public School is preparing for another opportunity to celebrate and showcase the various achievements that students at our school have achieved,” Relieving Principal Sonya Pareezer said.
“At Regents Park Public School, teachers have a shared vision about how students learn.
“There is a strong focus on building students’ individual strengths and supporting our diverse community. There is also an emphasis on fostering empathy, respect, confidence and resilience among all students.”
The school community will be celebrating Education Week, with exciting activities planned throughout the week including team-building lessons, a multicultural day picnic and a wellbeing day where students will participate in mindfulness activities through yoga, wellbeing reflection and random acts of kindness.
A special assembly will also be held for the community so students can showcase their talents through dance and music.
For further info, call the school on 9644 2404.
School celebrating empowering youth
‘EVERY Student, Every Voice’ is the theme for this year’s Education Week event.