
School appealing for help to fill in gap on captain honour board

A SYMBOL of recognition for meritorious and deserving students, school honour boards help create a legacy of pride and success while inspiring future generations to try hard in their studies.

After finding some missing honour rolls under the building during renovation work and as part of the 2022 Year 6 gift to the school, Revesby South Public School staff are keen to restore their honour boards that were lost or damaged over the years.
However, there are quite a few names missing and they are appealing to the community to help unravel the mystery by filling in the gaps of the school’s history.
Librarian Anita Svetkovski said it was always important to remember history.
“When Year 6 asked our Principal Christopher Whitten what would be the ideal gift to the school from their fundraiser proceeds last year, he didn’t hesitate saying restoring and replacing the honour boards would be fantastic,” she said.
“But now we need help with filling in the names of the school captains from 1954-84.
“We have some of them and in some cases, people have suggested different names for the same year so it would be great for everyone to check out our facebook page and send a message if you know the missing captains’ names from any of those years or if any names we’ve got are incorrect so we can complete our long overdue project.”
If you can help, contact the school.