
Sam scores Clubbies win

Revesby Workers Football Club’s Sam Stanley has been awarded in the 2020 Sportscover Clubbies Awards.
Stanley, who has worked tirelessly over the years at the well-run Bankstown & Districts Soccer Football Association based club, took out the ‘Best Administrator’ category.
Having arrived from India originally, Stanley joined the NSW outfit in 1997 and quickly established himself as the man to get things done. Softly spoken and enthusiastic, his influence as a player, committee member, president and football visionary helped turn the fallen giant into one of the leading football clubs in the football mad area. He championed junior development, turbo-charged the emergence of female football and played a pivotal role in establishing the Workers as an all-year inclusive club. While still in his 30s he was recognised with Life membership.
“This is not something I expected in my wildest dreams,” he said.
“I am very proud of what the club has achieved over the last few years.
“In the last six years we have almost double the size of our club.
“Our summer program which includes the kindies, the juniors the girls and ladies programs are the only programs that are run by a grassroots club in our area.
“The emphasis that the club has placed on the girls and ladies football has translated into 30 per cent of our club now represented by females.
“None of this can be achieved without our dedicated set of volunteers and community members at grassroots clubs.
“I thank all of them for their valued support.”
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