Lakemba MP Jihad Dib and 4cs new CEO Esta Paschalidis-Chilas took time out from a meeting to join in seated Cha Cha with the Salsa for Seniors class at Canterbury City Community Centre.
No partner is required and no previous dance experience is necessary, according to well known local Salsa instructor Beatriz Occhiuzzi.
“It’s time to put on your dancing shoes and breathe some new energy into your life,” she said.
“Our classes are all about having fun, keeping fit and active and meeting other people with free morning tea included. Maybe you’ve got a parent, grandparent or loved one who would get a boost from the social and health benefits of this fun dance?”
Seniors can also enjoy ‘Monday Funday’ at Club Lewis from 10am-1.30pm with board games and table craft on offer along with morning tea and lunch.
Both activities cost $5, with community transport available for an extra $5, and you must be registered with MyAgedCare – organiser of the groups, Alison Matthews, Social Inclusion and Wellness Coordinator at Canterbury City Community Centre, can assist with this.
“The groups have been going well, with everybody having lots of positive things to say and one participant reporting she can’t believe the difference in how salsa dancing makes her feel,” Alison said.
To make a booking and for further info, call Alison on 9750 9344.