The 2019 Black Tie Masquerade will feature Rick Grossman and performances by famous rocker Tony Mitchell.
For its eighth year, the Revesby-based Child Protection Foundation has hosted the event which has included Prime Ministers and famous entertainers among its guests.
Having served in at least two iconic Australian bands, the Divinyls and currently the Hoodoo Gurus, Grossman has garnered much praise and respect throughout the industry and will be featuring on the night as a VIP speaker.
Mitchell, of Sherbet fame, is recognised as one of Australia’s finest musicians and will be preforming at the event with his rocking collective, the Straw Dogs.
“We are rapt that such exceptionally talented musos are joining us on our mission to expose and eradicate child abuse across society,” CPF director Kerry Fozzard said.
Tickets are available online at or
Rock in for dinner to help children
AUSSIE music legends are joining forces to help eradicate child abuse at a Doltone House event hosted by the Revesby-based Child Protection Foundation (CPF) next Friday, July 5, from 7pm.