A 40-year-old man was allegedly threatened by three men with a firearm who demanded money, on Monday, May 15, about 10.20pm.
Three men aged 20, 39 and 31 have been charged with demand with menaces intend obtain or cause loss.
Up for business win
DEBORAH Watts of Reflexation Therapies Picnic Point, has been named a finalist in the 2023 Australian Women’s Small Business Champion Awards. Lauded for excellence in the Sole Operator category of the Awards, Reflexation Therapies Picnic Point will be in the running for top honours at the gala event on Saturday, September 23.
Scrub demerit point
MORE than 1.7 million safe drivers will be eligible to have a demerit point scrubbed from their licence. The Road Transport Amendment (Demerit Point Reduction Trial) Bill 2023 will come into effect six months earlier than originally flagged and means drivers who have not incurred any demerits since January 17, will need to continue that spotless behaviour until January 17 next year for a demerit point to be wiped.