“We provide experienced, specialised teachers to support the academic needs of each child, encouraging them to be reflective, self-motivated learners,” principal Gai Melville said.
“We are thrilled to become a Newman Selective Gifted Education school in 2020, providing high quality professional learning for staff and an authentically rigorous program for gifted learners within a traditional and nurturing Catholic environment.
“By setting high expectations together and building on our students’ potential, we encourage them to be lifelong learners.”
Co-curricular activities encourage students to follow their passions:
• All students take part in an engaging music lesson with a specialist music teacher inspiring creativity;
• Specialist Sport teachers create active and challenging sport lessons each week giving students the opportunity to try a range of sporting activities;
• Children can choose to participate in weekly Book Club meetings with the Librarian.
• The Garden Club provides students with real life opportunities where they learn how to plant, care for and pick freshly grown produce form their own gardens;
• The choir performs during whole school masses, Liturgies and during other whole school based functions; and
• Senior Coding Club students learn how to collaborate, create, communicate and problem solve using technology, giving students the skills and confidence to shape their world.
“We enjoy celebrating the achievements of the children and are proud that we can welcome each child by name,” Ms Melville added.