
Flood funds here at last

AFTER being left out in the cold, residents who were affected by the recent severe weather will now finally be able to access Commonwealth financial assistance.

Residents who meet eligibility requirements, can claim the Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP), a one-off, non-means tested payment of $1,000 per eligible adult and $400 per eligible child.
Cumberland was excluded in the original jointly-funded Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) but after weeks of pressure from residents, the council and local MPs, it was added to the list of eligible areas two weeks later.
However, residents faced a further hurdle as they struggled to get access to the payments online – a problem which has now been fixed.
“This is a great relief for Cumberland residents,” Mayor Lisa Lake said.
“After weeks of calling on the Government to provide our residents with access to the same financial assistance that has been available to our neighbouring local government areas, Cumberland has at last been added to the list of eligible areas.
“I encourage all residents whose homes have been damaged in the recent severe weather to check their eligibility to claim assistance under this scheme and if eligible, to make a claim.”
To make a claim for a Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) or for more information, visit, call the Australian Government Emergency Information Line on 180 22 66 or claim via your myGov app.