So far this year, residents have reported more than 4,500 illegal dumps.
In the first two weeks of the campaign, more than 660 dumps were investigated.
Forty-five per cent of illegal kerbside dumps were actually removed by residents, who realised they had done the wrong thing.
Mayor Khal Asfour says the campaign empowers residents to report dumped rubbish in their neighbourhoods.
“In fact, there’s been a 64 per cent increase in reports of illegal dumping to the council – this shows just how successful this campaign is,” he said.
Placing items on the street without a Booked Clean Up can attract a fine of up to $4,000 for individuals and $8,000 for businesses.
Residents can book two free clean-ups each year, where furniture, metal appliances and even garden waste, will be collected, at a time that suits them.
To schedule your Booked Clean Up, visit
Reporting campaign cuts ‘dumping’ by half
ILLEGAL dumping has been reduced by 57 per cent, following the success of the second phase of the EyesOnIt campaign.