
Reject boarding house appeal

PROPONENTS for a four-storey boarding house in Guildford, have had an appeal against the refusal of their development application (DA) dismissed by the Land and Environment Court.

Their DA to build a 35-room boarding house, accommodating 41 lodgers plus a manager at 1 Kane Street, was initially refused on four grounds.
The council’s objections included visual and physical incompatibility with the surrounding area, the constrained nature of the site and concerns about parking, particularly a proposal to use a ‘car stacking’ system.
Four residents and property owners also lodged objections in relation to parking availability as well as the potential loss of sunlight, visual and acoustic privacy, and concerns in regard to construction stage impacts.
Refusing the appeal, commissioner Peter Walsh found the potential for “direct impact on visual and acoustic privacy” on a neighbouring property was an issue.
“The proposed walkways over three levels, oriented towards and close to the living areas at 3-5 Kane Street … would bring unreasonable impact and unfair effects on the everyday amenity experienced by occupants of these apartments,” he said.
“The proposed walkway screening cannot adequately address either visual or acoustic privacy deficiencies.”