
Refugees ‘rolling up their sleeves’ to help save lives

DONATING blood last week, Greenacre’s Iranian-born Solomon Mackenzie is among the many refugees who are taking part in the Australian RedCross Lifeblood project called ’10,000 Refugees Contributing to Australia’ but more are needed.

The brainchild of Solomon, the project does not require donors to have Medicare cards or visas to donate blood.
“Refugees offer diversity in terms of skill, culture and knowledge as well as blood types and genes,” Solomon said.
“Some of us are universal donors or can supply rare blood types.”
Pakistani refugee Nasir Hussain said there were thousands of refugees hoping to call Australia home.
“Donating blood is a way to show our vitality and deep love for this country,” he said.
“Those taking part have become a ‘living petition’ and I would encourage others to get involved as it doesn’t cost a thing and chances are you will save a life.”
Not every person who presents, however, will be permitted to donate, as many health conditions and experiences can affect eligibility.
RedCross Australia Lifeblood is an apolitical organisation and welcomes blood from everyone.
Aspiring donors are invited to phone the Lifeblood call centre number to check eligibility: 13 14 95.