Raising vital funds to continue supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, the Red Shield Appeal is Australia’s largest and longest running doorknock appeal.
All funds raised locally will go back into supporting the work of the centre in Bankstown, which services hundreds of people a week through emergency relief services, financial counselling support, community meals and more.
“We have over 120 people seeking our help on Wednesdays alone which is the day Centrelink and Housing are onsite to also offer assistance and support,” Frank said.
“I have been in Bankstown for eight years and have never seen it so bad due to the cost of living and rising rents and mortgages.
“There are dozens of people seeking our help who say they’ve never had to turn to a charity before.
“People are skipping meals, unable to afford utility bills or medication for their kids. This is why we need your support.”
The Red Shield Doorknock Appeal takes place on the weekend of May 25 and 26 but there are many ways you can get involved in the lead up such as collections in shopping centres or other key locations, doorknocking, online fundraising or organising a collection at your workplace, school or sporting event.
To donate or volunteer for The Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal or if you need support from the Salvos, visit salvationarmy.org.au or call 13 SALVOS. You can also donate at any Salvos Store.
Red Shield Appeal helpers needed
WITH at least 50 individuals and families a day desperate for food and accommodation in the local area, Bankstown Salvation Army Corps Officer Frank Wang is urging the community to get involved in this year’s Red Shield Appeal.