
Reckless ‘nowhere to run’

THE Police Highway Patrol has increased its presence on back streets as it continues to drive down the number of crashes and keep everyone safe.

There has been a reduction in motor vehicle crashes in October across the Georges River sector – which takes in Bankstown, Campsie and Burwood police commands – when compared to last year and Traffic Inspector for the Georges River Highway Patrol, Adam Wood, wants to keep the numbers decreasing.
“We are now more mobile in back streets while also maintaining a high presence on the main arterial roads and these adjusted tactics are proving successful in reducing major motor vehicle collisions on our road network,” Insp Wood said.
“We have adjusted our proactive focus to the evolving Covid-19 pandemic and recognise our community is starting and finishing work at varying hours throughout the day. This has seen Highway Patrol Officers provide a greater coverage over the 24-hour period due to the spread of traffic movements across our network outside the usual peak travel times.
“We cannot achieve this result without the safe driving behaviours of our community working with us.”
A sharp increase in P-plate drivers exceeding the speed limit on the M5, with some detected travelling at more than 150kmh – one clocked at 171kmh – has also caused concern.
“Slow down, you are not invincible,” is the Inspector’s message.
“I urge all drivers not just our younger road users, to be aware of your environment, the type of car, and the specific skill set required. Keep an eye out for potential hazards and where you might go if you had to take evasive action.
“The key is to take your time. We want everyone to be safe on the road and arrive home each night.”