While speeding motorists are a concern for residents, Cumberland Council’s Traffic Committee says traffic counts carried out in April on Chiswick Road on either side of Clyde Street, didn’t support the installation of traffic calming devices east of Clyde Street.
However the committee will consult with residents west of Clyde street to determine the level of support for the installation of speed humps, and also review the conditions along Chiswick Street east of Clyde Street again in June next year.
The Committee also recommended against installing traffic calming measures in Campbell Hill Road, however at the July 3 council meeting, Councillor Glenn Elmore asked for the issue to be sent back to them for further discussion.
Cr Elmore said concerns about speeding on Campbell Hill Road dated back before council mergers but despite a petition from concerned residents, “nothing much” had been done.
He added that while the median speed measured during traffic counts was only two kilometres over the limit, “many more were travelling much faster”.
Random checks on speeding alert
DRIVERS will need to watch their speed along both Campbell Hill Road in Guildford and Chiswick Road in South Granville, with police to increase random checks on both roads.