“This project aims to transform an ordinary public space into an informal shared cultural space with artists and community members,” Alissar said.
“We are hoping to bring more vibrancy and life to Cumberland’s town centres and neighbourhoods by developing a performance in the laneway between Granville Town Hall and the Councillor’s Cottage.
“On a summer night in early December, the audience will gather around to experience visual art, poetry and story, music and song. Artists and community members will interact and create a new response to the site.
“The atmosphere will be intimate and relaxed, like a setting for a Hakawati or storyteller – or a family gathering – sharing and interacting with stories and songs. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.”
Arab Theatre Studio (ATS) has been based in Granville since November 2017, with the support of Cumberland Council and Create NSW, and is coordinated by artists Alissar and Maissa.
Since 2014, ATS has been developing an independent organisation that is unique in Australia. As performers, writers, visual artists and creative producers, their vision is to continue opening critical conversations about Arab Australian contemporary arts.
ATS is creatively inclusive, with a focus on contemporary multilingual performance and art, making work that is also accessible to broader culturally diverse communities.
ATS creative strategies include growing networks of artists through an active online presence, referrals and information sharing, guest speakers and workshops; facilitating regular gatherings through singing and music, storytelling, performance making and social networking.
For more info, find ATS on Facebook and Instagram.