
Precious asset and still guiding our community

A COMMUNITY newspaper is a precious asset.

It keeps us informed, entertained, and most importantly, gives us a sense that we are part of one big family.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen other areas lose their community paper. But we are incredibly lucky that the Torch has continued to remain strong for 100 years.
The Torch has covered every major event in town over the last 100 years, from the visit of the Queen 40 years ago in 1980 and the burning down of the council building, to the elevation of a Bankstown boy to become the Prime Minister of Australia.
When the first issue rolled off the hand-operated press, Bankstown was a bush town, silent movies were big and the going rate for an acre of land was 50 pounds.
Bankstown has changed a lot since then, but the Torch is still here, passed down through four generations of the Engisch family.
The Torch and the Engisch family are as much a part of Bankstown as Paul Keating, Steve Waugh or Bryan Brown, and we’re lucky to have them.
Congratulations on 100 years – here’s to 100 more.
Federal MP for Blaxland.