
Pole vaulter idol inspiring Little Athletes

WORLD Athletics Champion pole vaulter Nina Kennedy was among Australia’s track and field stars visiting Little Athletics Centres, including Canterbury, as part of Little Athletics Australia’s Coles Community Round.

An opportunity for young athletes and their families to take part in activities such as dress ups, banana relays and shopping basket races, the round also saw Coles staff drop off banana donations to their local centre.
Kennedy said she was excited to meet Australia’s future athletes.
“Having started my career in Little Athletics, I know how important the Little Athletics program is for kids coming through the ranks,” she said.
“I also know how special it is for kids to see their idols and role models in real life so I hope I can inspire even just one athlete to perform a personal best or to take the next step in athletics.”
Coles Little Athletics Australia CEO Myles Forman said nearly 300 centres would be taking part in Coles Community Round this year.
“The Little Athletics Australia Ambassador program is all about inspiring and guiding young athletes across Australia and Coles Community Round provides a great opportunity for our ambassadors to do just that,” he said.