
Podcasters christen studio

WANTING to get the most out of their new podcast studio, Punchbowl Boys’ High School invited three renowned podcasters to the their school at the end of last term so they could learn from the best.

With ABC and Triple M experience, Adam Newman, Mary Konstantopolous and Kris Gale provided fresh inspiration for the group of Year 11 students and said they were thrilled to share their own journeys – from humble beginnings through to monetisation and mainstream acceptance.
“Podcasting, with its low barriers to entry and easy accessibility, presents an enormous opportunity for the students at PBHS and the installation of a dedicated podcasting studio shows the progressive attitude to career outcomes from the careers department and executive of the school,” Adam said.
“Many students were excited to hear the opportunities in front of them and were keen to try their hand at creating their first podcast.”
English teacher Francis Floresca said the chat with real-life podcasters provided students with the opportunity to learn from professionals.
“We look forward to them using this experience to build their own confidence and skill set,” she said.
“Although podcasts aren’t a magical shortcut to learning, they help improve listening skills and enhancing learning by targeting each student’s interest.
“We hope that the workshop inspires them to explore the possibilities that comes with having the foundational skills needed to successfully communicate through podcasts.”