The Monday Knitters Group has been meeting for more than a decade at Chester Hill Library and Knowledge Centre, creating hand-crafted items for those less fortunate.
Maia Lauterbach has been a member of the group for more than 10 years.
“I have formed some really great friendships and look forward to having a cuppa and chat each week,” she said.
“We’ve had many members over the years. At one time we even had 12 different nationalities represented and despite some people leaving the area, they still continue to come to Monday Knitters.
“This includes one lady who takes two buses from Epping.”
The group often knits beanies, scarves, gloves, mittens and small rugs.”
They have donated items to many different charities over the years, like Loaves and Fishes, Father Chris Riley’s Youth Off The Streets and Wrap with Love.
“At the moment we have four big bags full of items that we’ve knitted and we want them to go to those who need it the most – especially coming into winter,” Mrs Lauterbach said.
City of Canterbury Bankstown Mayor Khal Asfour encouraged not-for-profit and community groups who could use the items, to express their interest.
“The generosity of this group is truly inspiring,” he said.
The group meets weekly on Mondays (10am-noon) and Saturdays (9.30-11.30am) at Chester Hill Library and Knowledge Centre. Other knitting groups meet on: Mondays – Padstow Library and Knowledge Centre (9am); Fridays – Panania Library and Knowledge Centre (11am); Fridays – Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre (10am), Riverwood (10.30-12), Lakemba (10-12pm) and Earlwood, 10.30am-12.30pm.
For more information, contact your library.
Plenty of yarning and a cuppa to warm up needy
A GROUP of residents is stitching up a storm for charity while having a yarn as part of their weekly catch-up.