
Plastic bag lampshade’s big win at Art from Trash

A LAMPSHADE made from 300 single use plastic bags has won the People’s Choice Award at The Bower’s inaugural Art from Trash exhibition.

Sponsored by Summer Hill MP Jo Haylen, the award saw artist Mia Sabel pick up a $500 cheque for her achievement which was decided on a physical vote from 339 people who went through the exhibition doors across nine days earlier this month.
Collecting the bags from Woolies and Coles before they were banned completely, Mia said: “My intention was to highlight the number of years for which single use plastic bags remain on land and in the ocean before getting eventually consumed by numerous sea creatures in the form of microplastics.”
Bower General Manager Guido Verbist said that more than 700 visitors viewed the range of artworks throughout the exhibition.
“The Bower has been humbled by the participation and enthusiasm at the exhibition and we hope to come back next year with an even larger edition,” he said.
A resource centre promoting the circular economy, The Bower partnered with the Inner West Council, EDGE Sydenham and MakerSpace to bring the ‘Art from Trash’ Exhibition to Sydney for the first time.
“By reusing materials, we keep them out of landfill and give them a chance to turn into ‘gold’,” Mr Verbist said.
“We exhibited a total of 55 artworks from 32 artists.”