News Police

Plan to crush all dumped trolleys

SHOPPING trolleys found lurking in the streets of Cumberland are set to be crushed by council staff.

Mayor Steve Christou said he and Deputy Mayor Eddy Sarkis have declared war on dumped trolleys, adding that the city “is not a ghetto”.
“I am sick of trolleys being dumped in our neighbourhoods and I’m tired of lazy retailers refusing to retrieve them,” he said.
“If we were a North Shore council, these trolleys would be collected swiftly.
“The deputy mayor has worked very hard on the issue of dumped trolleys and today is the day Cumberland City officially draws the line in the sand.
“I have instructed the council to crush any trolleys found dumped in our local government area from this day forward.
“This will happen consistently until retailers realise we will not tolerate abandoned shopping trolleys in our neighbourhoods.”
Calling on retailers to clean up their act, Cr Christou said “dumped trolleys will not have a happy ending”.
In December last year, Minister for Local Government, Shelley Hancock, announced a comprehensive review of impounding laws enabling local councils to remove safety hazards caused by abandoned items in public places.
“The world is changing and so too must our legislation,” she said.
Submissions to the review of the Impounding Act 1993, close on March 20 and can be made at
Dumped trolleys can be reported to the council on 8757 9000.