THE companionship of a pet after the loss of a spouse can help reduce feelings of depression and loneliness in older adults, according to a study published in The Gerontologist. The study examined depressive symptoms and loneliness among people aged 50 and older who experienced the loss of a spouse through death or divorce. In fact, those who had a pet and experienced the death or divorce of their spouse, were no lonelier than older adults who didn’t experience one of those events.
Pets reduce spouse loss impact
THE companionship of a pet after the loss of a spouse can help reduce feelings of depression and loneliness in older adults, according to a study published in The Gerontologist. The study examined depressive symptoms and loneliness among people aged 50 and older who experienced the loss of a spouse through death or divorce. In fact, those who had a pet and experienced the death or divorce of their spouse, were no lonelier than older adults who didn’t experience one of those events.