
Best education service win

IT’S been at the forefront of community education in the region since 1986 and now The Parramatta College is celebrating being awarded “Most Outstanding Education Service” for the second time at the prestigious Parramatta Local Business Awards.

State MP for Granville, Julia Finn, and State MP for Prospect, Dr Hugh McDermott, took time out of their busy schedules to congratulate all staff and thank them for their hard work during the Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years.
Both MPs inspected the Western Sydney Skills Hub – the college’s spacious quality training facility where they deliver accredited and non-accredited courses.  The MPs also spoke with multiple students and trainers during class sessions and encouraged them to keep up the good work.
Ms Finn said: “I am delighted that The Parramatta College’s hard work has been recognised by being awarded Most Outstanding Education Service and wish them, and their students, well into the future.”
Dr McDermott said: “I commend The Parramatta College for their integral work in educating people in our Western Sydney community.”
A college spokesperson said: “We focus not only on quality education for all, but also on ensuring that our training is accessible. And, operating for social purpose as a not-for-profit organisation, means the fee from every course booked is reinvested back into the College so that we can continue to provide quality adult learning opportunities for life.”
To find out more, contact Merven Virueda on 0421 856 861, email or visit