
Park upgrade design win named

A REVITALISED community centre, a leafy tranquil park and a sweeping roof of three-dimensional tapestry will transform an under-utilised Bankstown park into a vibrant and welcoming community space.

The bold vision to maximise the potential of the Griffith Park Precinct was put forward by a team of architects – Collins and Turner, Jane Irwin Landscape Architecture and WSP Indigenous Specialist Services during the council’s first-ever design competition.
Having won the Griffith Park Precinct Design Competition, the team will now be commissioned to deliver detailed designs and construction drawings.
Team lead Penny Collins said their vision was to knit Griffith Park into Bankstown’s framework of streets and places as a location to host diverse activities and opportunities.
“A series of rills, pools and wetlands structure the park, linking it to past connections to Salt Pan Creek and a strong First Nations heritage and identity,” Ms Collins said.
“The community centre forms a soft welcoming southern edge. Spaces for movement, gatherings, meetings and learning are unified beneath a dramatic sweeping roof.
“A contemporary verandah is conceived as a richly coloured, three-dimension tapestry, a celebration of one of Western Sydney’s most vibrant and multicultural communities.”
Mayor Bilal El-Hayek said the team put forward an impressive proposal that would create a wonderful community space in the heart of Bankstown.
“Some of our most iconic landmarks around Sydney were designed in architectural competitions like this, and I have no doubt Griffith Park will be a talking point destination for our City,” Mayor El- Hayek said.
“Choosing a winner was no easy feat and I would like to thank all the competitors for their thoughtful and inspiring entries. This competition has certainly lifted the bar of design in our City.”
More than 100 teams of architects and landscape architects across Australia entered the competition, which was judged by a jury including independent experts and a member of Cvouncil staff with experience in architecture and urban/landscape design.
The winning plans will be displayed at Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre from April 2-8 or Bankstown Customer Service Centre from April 9-12.
View the plans online and stay up to date on the project at