The girls’ marks put the school in 14th position overall in the 2019 HSC Schools Ranking.
Jiaqi Emily Xue topped the State in English EAL/D, while nine other students placed in top 14 positions.
Twenty per cent of the cohort has been named as All-Round Achievers which means they achieved a result in the highest band in 10 or more units of courses. Two students have been awarded the highest possible ATAR of 99.95, while 53 per cent of girls received an ATAR of 90 or more, including Jiaqi who dreams of a career as a User Experience (UX) Designer and is planning to study computer design at university in 2020.

She is currently working as an intern in a bank, where she helps to translate documents to and from Mandarin and English.
Six Meriden students have already accepted scholarships to American universities, including prestigious positions at Harvard University and Columbia University.
Fourteen girls have been nominated for HSC showcases and will have their major works for Music, Visual Arts and Design and Technology performed and displayed over the coming months.
“Meriden is proud of the achievements of all its HSC students whose consistent hard work has paid off in these outstanding final results,” a spokesperson said.
“We look forward to hearing about the girls’ next steps as they share their talents with the global community.”