Conducting initial interviews and accepting resumes, more than 20 retailers took part in the event which aimed to connect people in the local community to work opportunities at the shopping centre and beyond.
Vicinity centre manager Andrew Wilson said their first Jobs Fair last year was a great success with a “very positive response from employees and employers” and he thanked everyone who attended this time around, both retailers and candidates, along with all the community services.
“It is an event that not only services the Canterbury Bankstown community, it assists our retail partners in employing staff which can be a difficult process given they have to operate their businesses and interview on the run,” he said.

“As a major shopping centre we have more than 14 million people through our doors each year and our Jobs Fair offers a pivotal role in joining potential employees with employers and providing access to other community services.”
While Australia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is steady at 5.2 per cent in June, the underemployment rate decreased by 0.4 percentage points to 8.2 per cent.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) chief economist Bruce Hockman said Australia’s participation rate was at 66 per cent in June, “which means nearly two of every three people are currently participating in the labour market”.
“The participation rate for 15 to 64 year olds was even higher and closer to four out of every five people,” he said.