With over 200 – mostly students from the 70s, 80s and 90s – converging at the pub last Saturday, Lisa said there was also a handful of the school’s very first students.
“It was a totally awesome night, everyone enjoyed themselves immensely and the $20 tickets included dinner, a great band and DJ plus a photo booth,” Lisa said.

“We also raised almost $2,500 in raffle tickets for Neuroblastoma Australia as September is ‘Children’s Cancer Research Month’. All prizes was donated from former students of Bass High School and our facebook group.”
A cause close to her own heart, Lisa’s grandson Lukas Sullivan, 3, was recently diagnosed with a neuroblastoma tumour, which begins in nerve tissue.
“But we had some good news last week, though, with the tumour shrinking and blood levels back to normal so we are feeling very positive,” Lisa said, adding that she has been living in Queensland and was only visiting for the reunion.

“But I’ve decided to make the move permanent so I can be with my family and all of my friends; we’ve decided to have a reunion every year from now on.”
To see the photo galleries from Saturday night, find ‘Growing Up in Good Old Carramar Villawood Fairfield & Surrounds’ on facebook.