And the new children’s cubby house, raised garden beds and mud pie kitchens have gone down like a treat, according to project officer Cristina Maiorana.
“Our playgroup is becoming very popular,” she said.
“We used to offer the service once a fortnight but have increased that to weekly to cater for all the local families; we have around 30 coming now every week.
“The first thing the children do when they arrive is to dash straight through to the cubby house and play in its kitchen or head for the outdoor mud pie kitchen and start creating which is great for their imagination.
“The raised garden beds will go in soon and we will be encouraging the children to water and tend to the flowers, although we already have a herb and veggie garden which is useful, teaching them about where food comes from.
“We are very grateful to the club for this grant as the garden is used not just by us but by other services and local childcare centres.”
To get involved, head to Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre on Mondays, 9.30am-11.30am, and for bookings or further info, call 9645 3700.
Outdoor playgroup boosted
OFFERING a playgroup with a difference, Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre has boosted the equipment in its ‘nature-based setting’ thanks to a grant from Chester Hill RSL Club.