
Out of darkness comes Jesus’ light

DID the Grinch steal Christmas?

This year has sucked.
Big time sucked.
There’s no doubt about it.
Bushfires, pandemics, recession, unemployment, collapse of industries and, of course, the never ending lock downs.
As we approach Christmas it can be tempting to think the Grinch has stolen the joy of Christmas.
Borders are closed. Many family gatherings are impossible, and as I write this, churches can’t even sing carols.
So where is the joy? Where is the hope?
The Bible teaches that on that first Christmas, Jesus came into the world he created – but the world didn’t recognise him. Jesus came to his own people, and even they rejected him. The world ended up killing Jesus on a Cross.
Yet, out of suffering comes hope. In the darkness the light shines. And when we recognise life sucks, then, and only then, can we turn to the God of light, who gives light and life through his Son Jesus Christ.
Christmas is a reminder that in the darkness.
God sent the true light of the world to give light to everyone who believes, and through his death and resurrection, life and joy and hope.
Join us at church this Christmas morning to celebrate the hope God gives.
The church is at 19 Crawford St, Berala.
Pastor Mike Doyle,
St James Church, Berala.