With some only blooming for hours while others stay in flower for up to six months, they are also incredibly addictive.
Former Bankstown Public School student Kevin Le grew his first orchid six years ago and now “it’s like a jungle of orchids at my place”.
“I started growing and just couldn’t stop; it’s just so relaxing and rewarding,” he said.
In fact, Kevin has become so involved that he is one of the organisers of the first Orchids Central Exhibition to be held over the weekend of October 13-15 at Club Condell Park.
With a range of vendors and experts attending from across Australia, there will be demonstrations, competitions (with all growers welcome to attend with their beauties), giveaways and prizes.
Kevin said it would be a fantastic weekend for all orchid lovers.
“This will be the biggest orchid show the local area has seen, with so many opportunities to pick up some great bargains and expand your growing knowledge,” he said.
Tickets: $10 for adults and children under 15 free.
Details: orchidscentral.com.au.
Orchids at bloomin’ best’ during spring club show
MORE than just a pretty face, orchids are one of the oldest flowers in existence and come from the largest family including over 25,000 documented species worldwide.