In partnership with Local Government NSW, the workshops will help candidates gain a better understanding of the role and responsibilities of being a councillor.
Cumberland City Council acting general manager Peter Fitzgerald says councillors need to reflect the area’s demographic, opinions and be able to bring the community’s ideas and needs to the table.
He said women represented less than a third of councillors in NSW, and increasing women representatives and having a good reflection of the community on council, was important.
He also said 52 per cent of Cumberland City residents were born overseas and in NSW, linguistically diverse people make up eight per cent of councillors and 24 of the state’s 1293 councillors identify as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
“This could be your way to serve and represent your community in a part time role that is family friendly and can complement your existing employment,” he said.
Michael McMahon, on behalf of Local Government NSW Learning Solutions, will facilitate the workshops.
To register, contact 87579427 or email
Online workshop on offer if vying for councillor win
RESIDENTS interested in becoming a councillor and representing their community are invited to register for online Candidate Briefing workshops.