
On song with dating drama

WITH some salty language and adult themes, a cabaret style musical comedy, ‘Catfish or Cumberbatch’, featuring duets from Chess, Chicago, Wicked and many more by Simba’s Symphonic Sopranos, is on offer at the Red Rattler Theatre, 6 Faversham Street, Marrickville, on Thursday, October 3, from 8pm.

Two friends catch up over a drink and discover that they are in love with the same man online which starts an impassioned duet battle.
Littered with stories from the dating lives of the protagonists, this performance is sure to delight, amuse and horrify!
Cancer survivors and avid singers Arwen Garnsey and Lisa Stewart (pictured) will be accompanied on piano by Robert Teicher.
Tickets at trybooking.com/BFITR.