
On song for other cultures

A SERIES of art music concerts highlighting culturally diverse musicians and music from Bankstown and beyond, will be held at Bankstown Arts Centre.

Kiri Koubaroulis, from Cultural Omnivore, is leading the four-part music series, which starts on Sunday, August 25.
“The intention is to highlight musicians from Canterbury-Bankstown, particularly those who have never played here before,” she said.
“What ties the series together is the genre of ‘art music’ and the fact we are highlighting culturally diverse artists and non-western music.
“With Canterbury-Bankstown being one of the most culturally diverse areas in Sydney, we saw this music was very relevant to the local community.”
She said they then applied for funding to the Australia Council for the Arts and were successful, “so we’re now able to realise these concerts and pay artists at professional rates”.
“All too often artists, especially musicians, are reliant on ticket sales or a door split deal of some sort to be paid, which means their talent and years of experience are undervalued.”
The first concert will be a performance by Zela Margossian Quintet, whose music is described as ‘Armenian folk-jazz’.
Other performances will include: Iraqi Folk Fusion Ensemble on Sunday, September 29 (5-6pm); Satsuki Odamura Koto Ensemble on Sunday, October 27 (5-6pm); and Ustad Sayd And Ali Sarshar Afghan – Indian Ensemble on Sunday, November 24 (5-6pm).
Each concert is followed by a 20 minute question and answer session with the artist.
Tickets: $15 adults, $10 concession.
Info and bookings: cb.city/soundlands