
Offers safe, harmonious environment

WITH a history of excellent HSC results, Kingsgrove High School’s 2019 Year 12 class scored 121 Band 6 and Band 5 results, with many ATARs in the 90s including the highest one at 93.25.

Cultivating strong development in students, the school offers an extensive range of teaching and learning programs.
These include academic, sporting, cultural, community and leadership activities that are designed to recognise the particular talents of each student and develop their unique abilities.
Kingsgrove High School is a multicultural school which is a microcosm of the society in which we live and offers a wide range of subjects and extension programs.
“Our students display tolerance for others’ beliefs, customs and rituals,” Acting Principal Olga Sofo said.
“We offer a caring, safe, harmonious environment where students can achieve their personal best, with a strong emphasis on student wellbeing, great programs and initiatives, literacy and numeracy.”

Programs include Knockout sport (zone, area, state, national representations); career pathways and expos; clubs (including science and drama); choir, band; student leadership; the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) program; Student Representative Council (SRC) participation; Duke of Edinburgh International Award; Kokoda track program; Kingsgrove Business Challenge; camps and excursions; international study tour visits; cultural exchange; Zonta awards; and charity support (The Greatest shave, Movember and Cancer Research).