
NSW Labor Leader meets community

LEADER of the NSW Opposition, Jodi McKay (pictured centre) visited Riverwood last week to listen to and take up residents’ concerns.

More than 150 people attended to hear her vision for the local community and raise any issues they had.
She was joined by State MPs Jihad Dib and Sophie Cotsis, Federal MP Tony Burke, Mayor Khal Asfour and local councillors.
“It was great to have Jodi visit the electorate and spend substantial time talking to those I am privileged to represent,” Mr Dib said.
“We had an excellent discussion and Jodi answered many questions from the packed hall. The event focused on issues affecting our community and Labor’s plans for future policy development.”
Mr Burke described Ms McKay as “some who knows us, someone who has devoted her political life to the issues that we care about most”.
“We are fortunate to have an Opposition Leader who focuses on grassroots issues that matter most to the people of NSW such as secure jobs, tackling homelessness, investing in schools and hospitals and good planning rules in place to ensure that you just don’t have a home to live in, you have a community to live in.”