
Nine family members walk way to help fight cruel killer

NINE members of Revesby’s Harpas have raised over $7,500 by taking part in the Big Red Kidney Walk at Prince Alfred Park, to help find a cure for the disease which has taken many of their family members and kills more people than cancer.

Walking at the helm was patriarch Zac who lost his wife to the disease.
Daughter Yvonne, who does Hemodialysis three days a week at Bankstown Renal Unit, said: “Our family has suffered from a long history of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), so this walk is very important to us.
“This disease not only affects those that have it but their families as well. We did the walk for those we have loved and lost and for those who are on dialysis and those who have had a successful kidney transplant.
“Our mother passed away in 1992 from this disease and our brother passed away from the same disease in 2007. So it wasn’t just hard on us but imagine my father having to deal with his whole immediate family suffering from the same thing.
“There are many more on my mother’s side who have passed away from PKD, have had a transplant that are successful and one that only lasted a few years and had to be put back on Hemodialysis.”
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