
New world of woe

Public venues shut down, schools still open but keep child home if can

THOUSANDS of people are feeling the pinch as public venues shut down yesterday, however the State hasn’t moved to a full lock down just yet, with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian keeping schools open.
While encouraging parents to keep their children home “if they can”, she said “no child will be turned away from school”.
“Because nearly 30 per cent of children are already being kept out of school, for practical reasons NSW is encouraging parents to keep their children at home,” she said.
Under the stage one shutdown, the Premier announced the closure of places of worship, pubs, registered and licensed clubs, hotels, gyms and indoor sporting venues, cinemas, entertainment venues and casinos from midday yesterday.
Restaurants and cafes will be restricted to takeaway and home delivery, and bottle shops attached to pubs will remain open, as will hotel accommodation.
However essential gatherings at places such as hospitals, workplaces, construction sites and for public transport, are exempt from the new restrictions.
“If you have the capacity to work from home, you should do so,” Ms Berejiklian said.

“I understand many in the community are worried, and these changes will affect everyday lives, and may be upsetting. But these decisions will make us all safer, they are taken with the health of all citizens in mind, and they must be taken now.”
Shutting all of their venues yesterday, Dooleys CEO David Mantle says their number one priority is the health and safety of members, guests and employees.
“We continue to follow all Government requirements and aim to be back in business as soon as it is deemed safe to do so,” he said.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said stricter measures were aimed at helping to slow down the virus but he warned further restrictions may be required.
“PractiSing good hygiene and keeping a healthy physical distance between individuals is our most powerful weapon in fighting this virus and saving lives,” he said.
“The failure of some businesses and members of the public to do this, puts people’s lives at risk.”
Information for parents is available at and more detail on closures is also available at
IF you or someone you know, needs immediate help, call Triple Zero (000) or for counselling, advice and support, call: Lifeline on 13 11 14; Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36; Headspace on 1800 650 890; the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467; or Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800.