MOTORISTS will be able to enjoy a smoother journey along Bexley Road with new weekday clearways being introduced from early July between Canterbury Road at Campsie and Forest Road at Bexley.
A Roads and Maritime Services spokesperson said introducing new weekday clearways on Bexley Road, will manage traffic flow and improve journey reliability, getting motorists where they need to be sooner.
The new weekday clearways will operate from Monday, July 1, in both directions from 6am to 10am during the morning peak and from 3pm to 7pm during the afternoon peak.
The new clearways will replace the existing ‘No Parking’ which currently operates from 6.30am to 9.30am and from 3.30pm to 6.30pm.
Once the new weekday clearways are in place, the timed ‘Loading Zone’ near William Street, will operate from 10am to 3pm.
A spokesperson said other ‘Bus Zone’, ‘No Parking’ and ‘No Stopping’ parking restrictions would operate as usual.
“A single parked car can significantly reduce road capacity,” he said.
Vehicles parked in the clearway on or after July 1, risk being fined and towed.
Illegally parked vehicles can be reported on 131 700.