
Never to old to book in a date with mate at local Men’s Shed

GETTING together with a group of mates has been linked to positive health and wellness and with that in mind the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) is encouraging all men to book in a date with their mates.

“You’re never too old to get something out of having a group of friends – whether they’ve been around forever and a day, or they’re new connections,” AMSA Executive Officer David Helmers said.
With ageing comes an increasing importance in staying connected to people and to communities, but equally this connection can become increasingly challenging.
Mr Helmers says physical health and the move away from work and family commitments, can easily lead to becoming socially isolated.
“The empirical evidence is clear,” he said.
“Social participation is positively linked to mental wellbeing and quality of life, particularly in older people.
“Because prevention is better than a cure, when it comes to health and wellness, to reap the most benefit from social participation ,people have to be proactive about seeking and maintaining meaningful social engagement.
“But it’s not just older blokes that benefit from engaging with people and participating in their communities. Regardless of age, meaningful social participation is a platform for good health and wellbeing.”
Men’s Sheds are a perfect combination of somewhere to go and something to do, with a group of people with similar interests. But the key is simply getting together in a way that facilitates having a conversation and doing something meaningful.
Looking for a group of mates? You can find your local Men’s Shed at