While mosques are open all year round, many non-Muslim Australians are unaware and do not take the opportunity to find answers to their questions about Islam.
A Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA) spokesperson says the aim of the open day is to enhance understanding of Islam, empower Australian Muslims and build a better future for all the community.
“We want to facilitate a greater understanding of Islam and Muslims in Australia by opening up the mosque to the wider public,” the spokesperson said.
“It is a way of promoting community inclusion at grassroots level and help us to counteract various forms of prejudice like Islamophobia.”
Visitors will be given guided tours, with guest speakers and video presentations, while food of various cultures will be available.
There will be plenty of activities for children too.
Lakemba Mosque will open its doors on Saturday, October 29, from 10am-4pm, with guests invited to ask questions about Islam and importantly, get the opportunity to clear up any misconceptions they may have concerning this beautiful religion.
For further info: 9750 6833.
Mosque’s Open Day invite to all
NATIONAL Mosque Open Day (NMOD) organisers are hoping to meet residents of all religious beliefs when they open the doors to Lakemba Mosque at the end of the month.