
More women weightlifting than ever before for strength, health

NO longer fearful of braving the man’s world, women are taking up strength training and weightlifting at a rate previously unseen, according to Australian Sports Commission data.

The number of women participating in amateur weightlifting grew fivefold between 2016 and 2022, while the number of men almost tripled.
Experts say strength training is important for women’s long-term health as it strengthens muscles, stabilises joints and improves bone density, all of which reduce the risk of fractures later in life.
BodyFit Auburn’s Sandra Dzida says she has definitely noticed an uptake in weightlifting among women in the last few years.
“Strength training used to be very male-dominated but now there is a lot more education around fitness and women are no longer fearful about bulking up but have discovered it’s great for weight loss,” she said.
PCYC Auburn has even started a weightlifting club for females.
“I’ve definitely noticed an increase in females weightlifting, both individually and in a team environment,” PCYC’s Katsu Suzuki said.
Dooleys Health & Fitness Lidcombe’s Bianca C says a lot of women even now prefer weightlifting over cardio workouts.
“Before, it was all about burning calories but now, probably due to social media, women have the knowledge and confidence to try different things and weightlifting is great for weight loss and also ideal to build muscle and have you feeling more empowered,” she said.
Uplift Gym Merrylands owner Isabel Lorenzi who was number one weightlifter in Australia in the 76kg division in 2021, coaches groups of women most days and says the sport is definitely on the rise.
“Women are discovering how great it feels to get strong through weightlifting,” she said.
“You lose weight and get toned as it’s ideal for your physique and bones.
“It’s also an exercise that you can do life.”