
More superheros than students for ‘Book Week’ fun

FICTIONAL wizards and superheroes came to life last week as East Hills Public School celebrated the magic of literature at a favourite character parade during Book Week.

But the celebration didn’t stop there, with parents invited to an enchanting Reading Retreat in the library after the parade.
Deputy Principal Daniel Hall said it was a way to foster meaningful connections, bringing families together who explored new worlds side by side.
“Book Week isn’t just a celebration of books, it’s a celebration of the bonds that form when stories ignite our imaginations,” he said.
“We’re thrilled to have seen the community come together to celebrate the written word and the power it holds in uniting us all.”
The Queen of Hearts from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ was the most popular choice of dress-up book character when Chullora Public School celebrated Book Week and held their fun parade last week.
This year’s Book Week theme, ‘Read Grow and Inspire’, encouraged students to engage in reading to strengthen their literacy skills and promote creative thinking.
“Chullora Public School’s literacy learning is driven by a selection of quality texts that assist students in their reading, comprehension and responding to content that is meaningful and engaging,” a school spokesperson said.