The council also decided to write to the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader to get them to call for a ceasefire, and allow peaceful demonstrations supporting Palestinian people to be held in local parks.
A memorial has also been established near Bankstown Library for the community to place flowers, reefs, placards and words of prayer.
“It is a place that rightfully acknowledges our community’s grief and hopefully a means to find comfort in this tragic and horrific time,” Cr Karl Saleh said.
However the move has met with some opposition by residents, with one Greenacre resident having said that “it has done more harm and good … the council have brought the war right to our doorstep”, while a Revesby caller said the council should stay out of politics and “stick to fixing potholes and cleaning parks”.
Mixed reaction after vote to fly Palestinian flag
A PACKED gallery at the last Canterbury Bankstown Council meeting erupted in applause when it decided to fly the Palestinian flag at Bankstown (pictured) and Campsie until a ceasefire was declared between Israel and Hamas.