Keen to promote religious awareness, diversity and inclusivity, school teacher Mariam Latifi has written a simple and easy book to read which explores the teachings and principles of Islam through beautifully set out, vivid illustrations.
‘A to Z of Mini Muslims’ is an alphabet book exploring all things Islam, with parents invited to bring their five to 11-year-olds to Granville Library this Thursday for a special storytime and author talk with Mariam.
She said she wrote the book because she wanted to dispel myths and stereotypes about the religion of Islam and Muslims.
“I want to educate children and even adults who are not familiar about the Islamic faith to empower them and to encourage and motivate them to learn about Islam in a meaningful way,” she said.
“My three children were the source of inspiration for writing this book. They always questioned who Muslims were and what was Islam and so I decided to write a book that explored these basic foundations.”
Being of Afghanistan background, Mariam said there were Afghanistan themes throughout the book.
“I want my children to be proud of their faith, culture and identity,” she said.
All are invited to meet Mariam, 11am-12pm; it’s free with no bookings required.
‘Mini Muslims’ free storytime to educate all
HAVE you ever met a Muslim or know anything about Islam?