The tour was attended by 15 Intensive English Care (IEC) students from Holroyd High School along with 14 parents, and participants were provided with vital information on available health services within hospitals and community health centres across the district.
Recognising the challenges faced by newly arrived individuals from refugee and migrant communities, Western Sydney Local Health District’s (WSLHD) health education projects, such as the Auburn Hospital guided tour, provide a crucial avenue for the Multicultural Health Services (MCHS) team to connect with the community, aiming to bridge access barriers while empowering IEC students and their parents with the knowledge and resources to confidently engage with healthcare services.
During the tour, participants viewed and interacted with various hospital departments including Child and Family Services, Physiotherapy, Maternity services and Outpatient services.
MCHS also facilitated sessions on healthy eating and lunchbox ideas, which were well received, and Dari-speaking healthcare interpreters were used to ensure information was accessible to all.
WSLHD Multicultural Health Youth Program Officer Daniel Apat said understanding how the healthcare system worked facilitated a pathway for better health for both individuals and families.
“By welcoming these members of our community into Auburn Hospital and providing tools like interpreting services to meet their needs, we are embracing and nurturing these relationships with the whole family, and hopefully we see the impacts of this work for generations to come,” Mr Apat said.
Migrant students tour hospital to learn about health operation
HOLROYD students and their families have received hands-on experience navigating the healthcare system during a tour of Auburn Hospital.